"Real Simple is steps from being Martha Stewart...You are steps from being Martha."
- Laura
So in February I put through an order on
delight.com (best website for starting your eco-friendly life) and bought a couple of reusable bags and an "I'm Not a Paper Cup" cup...i love this cup. But since the outside of the cup is not glazed, when my rings touch the cup (which they have to do, to hold the cup) it has the same sound and feeling of nails on a chalkboard...awful, I know. So, to solve the problem, I knitted a little cup cozie...

I love my cup cozie and I thought I was so ingenious until Laura showed me the Real Simple magazine from April and people sell these cute little creations for as much as $18!! I think I should start selling them...let me know if you want one. The one above is what I use on my cup daily, but below is the one I sent my sister the other day.