Wednesday, November 18, 2009

i want one....

I am a paper snob. There, I said it. I admitted it.

I love beautiful paper. I love stationery. I love going through all of the paper sample books in our office (there are quite a few by the way). I just dream about what I could put on them. I dream of redoing my wedding invitations and going with a letterpress design. I dream of the fanciest Christmas cards ever (which by the way, we will actually be sending them out this year. I dropped the ball last year), but letterpress designs are so expensive. But, when I saw my latest e-mail from Paper-Source, I am now in love with this:

Yes! It is a DIY letterpress machine. I want it. I want it. I want it. (Greg, I hope you are reading this...)

Here's a review of it too:


  1. Very cool! Greg, she is so subtle, how will you ever know what she wants for Christmas?

  2. hahahaha i can so see you saying that : ) it sounds vaguely familiar to the voice i heard in high school, "but daddddyyyy"... : )
