Just so you all know, if I could move to Chicago, I would go today. No questions asked. If you happen to have a place for us to live and jobs for us both, please do tell.
There are so many great things that I want to tell you all about. So I'll break it all up into multiple posts. Please enjoy.
On the agenda for Wednesday:
- Lunch and meandering at Shedd Aquarium
- Christmas Tree Lighting at Daley Plaza with choirs, potato pancakes, gingerbread and mulled wine
- Dinner at Quartino's (so, so delicious)
- Celebrating Christmas with Macy's (or Marshall Fields, whichever you prefer) by admiring the window decorations and Christmas tree in the Walnut Room
- Enjoying the walk back to our hotel and the view from the room (sorry its blurry)

If you move to Chicago I will be one of the first people to come visit you. I, too, love Chicago. Sounds like you had a great trip. Miss you both!