Today is the day my brother turned 30. Yes, I typed that correctly...30. To honor his age and wisdom, I thought I would post a tribute to him.
So, here's to the brother who would play catch with me and half way through forget that I was seven years younger and throw the softball as hard as he could to a little sister that would close her eyes and get a softball in the nose...
The brother who used to make me cry...
The brother that would always make up a reason for why I couldn't beat him at a game....until my 18th birthday when my only present was a card that said "I agree that you beat me twice at Scrabble"...
The brother that once walked around the entire grocery store explaining to me how a computer works...
The brother that called me the other day right before his achilles tendon surgery to tell me he was on happy hour medicine, kind of giggly, and really tired....and remembers nothing....
And the brother, who now, somehow makes me laugh daily and still acts like a small child...
I love you brother! Happy 30th Birthday!
This is so sweet and I LOVE the picture! LOL! I hope you don't mind that Sean showed me :)