FINALLY - a couple of the photos from my trip to New York with Lauren in January. (six months later isn't bad...right?) We stayed with our friend Jordan from college and absolutely loved it! I had told my brother and sister I would show them months ago, so here you go! (check out the hat, scarf and jacket - thanks sister for picking out my Christmas gift from Mom and Dad. I love them!)
I don't know if it was my love for big cities, advertising or Target, but I absolutely loved Times Square...
I loved seeing so many different people and the snowy, overcast day helped too...I always like to go to museums and buy my sister a book. I don't actually go through the museum, I just buy the book.
I've always loved (ha, love) this statue so we posed in front of it as it snowed on us...bliss...
Snow + a giant candy store = perfection
Trying to be artistic during our walk through Central Park.
The snow is just so peaceful.
And I had to get a picture of the bears. Sic 'em.
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