As I drove to work today, there were lines of cars with anxious freshman and parents waiting to move in to the dorms. It made me think about the fact that I was in that same position exactly six years ago. It seems like ages. I remember being so excited, yet so freaked out that I was moving hundreds of miles away from home. It was so much fun to decorate my little space and meet my roommate. My dad moved all of my clothes and shoes up to the third floor of South Russell - and boy was he glad that even though my room number was 6-something it was not on the sixth floor. My mom was even able to come down with me after having had surgery that summer. Apparently I don't have any photos of move-in day...maybe my parents do, but here are some photos from fall of my freshman year:
Freshman Class Council Retreat
(where Greg and I met and I thought he was ridiculous and
would have never thought I would date him, let alone marry him...ha!)
Baylor Football - Sporting the Line Jerseys
(This is one of those photos where we were actually trying to get
a picture of the cute guys in the back...)
The FCC Homecoming Float!(This was at 6am where we had to wait until the parade started -
to think I now work on this street...)

Homecoming Bonfire
Steppin' Out
(We painted that house for the campus wide community service day)

My excitement to be back home for Christmas break after my first four months in the Texas heat...
All the Freshman moved in around here this week too. Including Jason's sister. It made me go way back too. What a weird time. Love reflecting like this with you. :)