Here's a photo tribute to my beautiful friend Maryn and her wonderful new husband Nate:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Here's a photo tribute to my beautiful friend Maryn and her wonderful new husband Nate:
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
PA#3: Are you a Pat's or a Geno's?

After much thought during our cheesesteak challenge, I am by far a Pat's sic 'em...

While we are talking about food, we also ate at an amazing little restaurant on Rittenhouse Square - Devon Seafood Grill. We had a little table on the sidewalk and our food was absolutely delicious. They have fresh Hawaiian fish and my most favorite side dish ever - lobster mac 'n' cheese.

Here's the picture I took, which is awful, but at least you can see our cute table.
And now here are our the pictures from their website by a professional (maybe someday I'll be a pro...)

Monday, September 21, 2009
I feel like baking...
(I have included the secret recipe at the end of the post)

and then we made chocolate molten cake for Top Chef Wednesday...
(This actually came out of a box from Williams-Sonoma. I wish I could take the credit)

and then as Greg and I were walking through the grocery store with decorative pumpkins galore, we decided that we HAD to change all plans for the afternoon and make a pumpkin pie...
(We made the crust from scratch and it's half whole wheat flour, so you can pretend it's good for you. And, sorry about the fuzzy photo. My camera was dying so I just took a quick little snapshot.)
Here's the pumpkin cookie recipe. My sister gave it to me and I have absolutely no idea where she got it, but it's delicious...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It's a SPORK!

Can't wait to use my new sporfe with lunch today!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
PA #2: Independence Hall
Across the hall is the Assembly Room where the Declaration of Independence was signed. I was highly intrigued by the green curtains...
It was actually really cool though. So many courageous acts happened in and around this one building - acts that we completely take for granted.
A little snippet about Independence Hall from wikipedia:
"From 1775 to 1783, Independence Hall served as the principal meeting place of the Second Continental Congress, a body of representatives from each of the thirteen British North American colonies. The United States Declaration of Independence was approved there on July 4, 1776, and the Declaration was read aloud to the public in the area now known as Independence Square. "
Friday, September 11, 2009
It smells like fall...
I'm working on an ad that will run in November and it's so hard not to crave fall even more when I've been perusing photos like these this morning...

Thursday, September 10, 2009
PA #1: The Liberty Bell
This weekend Greg and I got a chance to fly to Pennsylvania for a dear friend's wedding. Since you pretty much have to either pay a ton to fly into State College or drive hours from any other airport, we decided to fly into Philadelphia and see a little bit of American history. Neither of us had ever been to the great PA, so as you can imagine, we were stoked...
We also took lots of pictures for you...which explains why there will be multiple posts. Each on a great little treasure we found...
#1: The Liberty Bell
Katie and me while we waited in the "security" line...doesn't Independence Hall look like we did a little photoshop work and pasted it in? I swear we didn't...My great husband and me on the grassy knoll outside of the Liberty Bell Center.
And, in case you were wondering, here are a few facts about the glorious bell from the National Park Service's website: (sometimes I like to read all about a place beforehand so I can skip all of the readings and the videos and get to the good this case the beautiful bell...I am such a bad tourist)
Liberty Bell Fact #1
"In 1751, the Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly ordered a new bell for the State House. He asked that a Bible verse to be placed on the bell - 'Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof' (Leviticus 25:10)"
Liberty Bell Fact #2
"A bell for the Pennsylvania State House was cast in London, England, however, it cracked soon after it arrived in Philadelphia. Local craftsmen John Pass and John Stow cast a new bell in 1753, using metal from the English bell. Their names appear on the front of the bell, along with the city and the date. By 1846 a thin crack began to affect the sound of the bell. The bell was repaired in 1846 and rang for a George Washington birthday celebration, but the bell cracked again and has not been rung since. No one knows why the bell cracked either time."
Liberty Bell Fact #3
"The bell weighs about 2000 pounds. It is made of 70% copper, 25% tin, and small amounts of lead, zinc, arsenic, gold, and silver. It hangs from what is believed to be its original yoke, made from American elm, also known as slippery elm."