We got out and enjoyed the sun this weekend. After getting suite tickets to the Dallas Stars game (it was awesome, but I didn't bring the camera) and then getting our hearts broken when Baylor lost in the Big 12 tournament, we stayed the night up in Ft. Worth with Greg's parents. They took us to Blooms at the Dallas Arboretum. It was beautiful! (I also thought all of the kids were adorable...and the little old lady)

wow. I cant believe how much is blooming down there. Here I am just hoping the snow will hold off long enough to let my irises, that are showing their green shoots, to bloom. I was just hoping this morning as I shoveled snow off our driveway that this is our last snow. We had weather in the 60s earlier this week and then snow for the last two days. The sun is shining and the weather is promising to be nice the next few days. I can't even imagine 70 degree weather in March. Here's hoping. Love you friend.