Last week two of my favorite people celebrated their birthdays and I completely forgot to post about them.
The first and foremost is my sweet mother. I am so thankful that she is my mother and I still get to have her as a part of my life. I wish so badly that I could live closer to her. She is such an inspiration. She amazes me just thinking of all that she has gone through battling brain cancer and to be alive and so joyful. I thank God every day that she is still with us. I love you mom!

Secondly, my dear old brother celebrated his 31st birthday last week. My poor mom has always had to share her birthday week with him and now has to share a birthday post too. Sorry mom. But brother - I do love you and miss you and I can't wait to run a half marathon with you in October. Then maybe I'll have pictures of you rather than having to steal them off facebook :)

I love you both!
Happy (belated) Birthday Brenda and Sean! I miss you guys too.