A short story just for you:
Freshman year I would go running pretty regularly on what we at Baylor call the "Bear Trail" - a 2-mile-ish loop around campus. My friend Lauren and I would usually go at night and then head back to our dorm and eat either oreos and peanut butter or raw cookie dough...just because we could. Well, that was before pledging and before I had anything else taking up my time. Then one time late in the Spring semester, Lauren and I decided to go running in the morning before lunch at the cafeteria. Let's just remember that this is late April in Texas and by 11 am, the sun is beaming down ready to burn any little red heads that peek their face outside. After a quick lap on the BT, we then collapsed inside the air-conditioned doors of Penland...the building that housed not only delicious food that I would still eat today, but also the cutest boys on campus.
So, once we regained our breath and slightly cooled down, Lauren happened to notice how freakishly red my face was. Did I mention how my face resembles a cooked lobster after running in the heat? Did I know this before I moved to Texas? No. Did I ever notice this while eating cookie dough late at night? No. And this red face also has a mind of its own.
It decides -
not me - when to go back to my white, freckled color. But I was also starving, and I couldn't stay in the old, dirty bathroom forever, so I decided to face the entire cafeteria of cute boys, one of whom happened to be an "ex" boyfriend. Needless to say I was mortified. (btw, this is all before Gregan ever happened and I had no idea about the cute boys over in Martin Hall)

Then, this weekend, after a little 3 mile jaunt on the BT and after heroic efforts on my part that included fans and ice packs, I had to text Lauren about the re-appearance and lack of disappearance of lobster face. But, I bit the bullet (again because I was starving) and went to Panera with Greg. Lo and behold, as I was standing there with my cinnamon crunch bagel and a chocolate milk, I had flashbacks of freshman year come flooding through my mind. In a town of over 150,000 people, why was it that I had to run into a client? Seriously, a client? Luckily, they happen to be a very nice client and didn't comment on my face or the fact that I was about to eat some sugar bread and drink children's chocolate milk from a box...which, by the way, is the best chocolate milk in the world. I take it to work sometimes as part of my breakfast...in case you wanted to know.