Friday, October 2, 2009

goals for the weekend...

Just so you all know, here's what I hope to be doing this weekend:

1. Disinfecting every inch of my house from the awful influenza virus

2. Getting my husband back into tip-top condition

3. Watching the Baylor game on TV (You know Greg is sick if he has already mentioned he doesn't want to go to the game)

4. Finishing my window frame to finally have something cute on this wall:
(please note that the bike is now a piece of furniture in our home...)

5. Starting the process of making this chair lovely:
(definitely a $10 find at a Spice sidewalk sale!)

6. Starting a blogging venture with Laura....get excited...I'll give you the link once it's started!!!


  1. Have fun with all of those things! Tell Greg I hope he feels better soon. :)

  2. Katie - Greg says thanks!

    Lauren - Thanks! I forgot you haven't been over. You need to come and play!
